  • 🗂️
    Create New Tabs with
    : Quickly create new Tabs in your Workspace with our new keyboard shortcut. Using this shortcut alongside ⌥+Number for toggling between between different views is a great way to speed up your access to your favorite parts of the platform.
  • 🗑️
    Close Current Tab with
    : Along with quickly creating new tabs, you can now easily close your current tab with a single shortcut. No need to hit ⌘+S to save at all as we store your changes automatically & in real-time.
  • 💫
    Refreshed Views & Further Data Enrichment:
    We cleaned up some routes around the platform for you (namely for Company & Investment views) along with improving image quality and metadata accuracy throughout your research process (our data providers are truly the best)!
  • 🧼 Bug fixes and overall performance & platform improvements (s/o to our newest team member, Prajwal, on getting fixes shipped to production already!)