A few new updates made their way into everyone's workspaces as of an hour or two ago. Here's a quick rundown of everything that's new in this update for Countercyclical:
  • 📝 Enriched Memo View: We improved Memos with a ton of new functionality and made it super simple to directly connect your research findings into your collaborative, shareable documents with Sources (available on Pro plans). This update also brings with it a new view for Memos, now giving users a much more focused mode for drafting, collaborating, and sharing their insights with their team, workspace, or the world. Easily see a breakdown on the left-hand side of your document with a Table of Contents, a list of Authors for publicly giving credit to everyone who worked on the Memo, and (of course) Sources.
  • 🔬 Quick Peak into Memos: If you hold Spacebar and click on a Memo's title when you're on the Memos page, you will get the previous popup view for Memos to "quickly peak" into them for editing on-the-fly!
  • ⚙️ Self-Serve Advanced Workspace Settings: We took a lot of our core Enterprise offerings and made them self-serve under your Advanced Workspace Settings. This empowers users with a ton of functionality that was once previously highly bespoke and required someone from our team to provision for an Enterprise account. We hope this makes things easier for everyone! (You can still book an enterprise demo or email our team if you ever need anything as always)
  • 🧼 Additional bug fixes & performance improvements.
As always, check these changes out and let us know what you think!